8th June 2024 – Chew Valley, North Somerset

This robin was very keen to join us for lunch

I spent my teenage years in the Chew Valley and regret that, at that time , I had little interest in nature. I did enjoy the aesthetics of the pretty village cricket grounds and always enjoyed cycling the lanes. I do remember occasionally taking in the wonderful scenery of this beautiful part of the country; but I failed to show interest in the specifics and failed to learn any of the names of the flora or to spend time studying the birdlife. What a waste!

However, I hope I have made up for it in recent years.

This morning we crossed the city before most people were active to visit an amazing garden south of Bristol in the Chew Valley – the Yeo Valley Organic Garden near Blagdon.

The view from the garden café

The gravel garden

It was a bit early in the day (and still quite fresh) to see the great variety of butterflies that we usually see here at this time of the year. We had to make do with a scruffy Painted Lady and lots of damselflies.

Painted lady

Common blue damselfly

There were birds to be seen too; notably robins, blackbirds, goldfinches, chaffinches, chiffchaffs , pied wagtails, and swifts and house martins flying across Blagdon Lake.

Pied wagtail

Lots of pollinators in the garden
The view to Blagdon Lake

Canada geese over the lake

Swifts over the lake

… and a little closer

The goldfinches were much closer still

Chaffinch singing its heart out

Common chiffchaff

The birch grove

Big grass bed

The veggie garden

This bed of alliums was probably my favourite area today

The red and lime beds

The bronze garden

The bronze garden


Despite the sun not appearing very often the garden still looked stupendous. I hope some of my photos do justice to this lovely garden.

After a tasty lunch at the on site café we stopped off at the village of Ubley and had a quick visit to the local church.

The garden café

Ubley Church north façade

Ubley Church south façade

Sadly, our return journey across the city was rather tortuous as we got caught up in the traffic of people going Saturday shopping. If they only knew, they would have been much better off driving out into the countryside!

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