30th April 2018 – Stoke Park and Eastville Park

Another bitterly cold day but not too bad for a walk through the woods, especially as I soon warmed up climbing the hill in to the woods in Stoke Park.

There was a grey heron on the flooded fields at the bottom of the hill.

FP5A6702Grey heron

In the woods I saw a great spotted woodpecker, a jay, and three blue tits.

FP5A6720Blue tit

It was interesting to see the work they have been doing in the park; removing the brambles and planting new trees. The work has been quite controversial amongst locals but to me it seems as though it’s going to be much better.



However, the wood carvings in the wood are a big hit.


I followed the ridge along Purdown and had good views of Stapleton Church and Colston’s School (where I had spent all my working life and reflected that this month 50 years ago I had turned up for interview).

FP5A6731Holy Trinity Church, Stapleton where peregrines can be regularly seen

FP5A6749Colston’s School

FP5A6741Most people were clearly at work by now

I dropped down to Eastville Park and saw three robins and two wrens early on.


There was no sign of the usuals (kingfisher, dipper, and grey wagtail) which was rather disappointing. However, I saw 2 coal tits singing very loudly and a tree creeper, which was a real bonus.


The Canada geese had taken the perching spot of the grey heron on the lake and seemed to be showing a very strange way of showing affection. The mute swans were much more placid.



Bluebells and ramsons were evident in both parks.



A 5.2 mile walk  on a Monday morning was certainly better than being at work.


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